I have added this page just to share a few facts and ideas about the Dachshund breed. First, I would like to help clarify the differences between standard, mini, and tweenie Doxies.  They are all registered together as one breed with the American Kennel Club, without any acknowledgement of size difference.  The only time size is recognized is when one is showing in AKC conformation classes.  In the show ring, Doxies are divided by coat (smooth, longhair, or wirehair) and a miniature must be under 11 lbs. @ a year of age, and standards are generally over 18 lbs., thus leaving out the dogs in between, "tweenies".  All Doxies, spayed or neutered, with or without conformation flaws, any coat, any color, any size, can compete in other AKC events including, but not limited to earthdog, obedience, agility, tracking, and rally (like obedience).  www.AKC.org 
Usually, standards are bred to standards, minis to mini, etc., to help preserve expected sizes, but lots of times, such crosses will produce Doxies who grow up to be bigger or smaller than anticipated.  Furthermore, teeny pups grown into the largest dogs of the litter...much depends on their position in utero, and once born, they develop at different rates than they did in the womb.  The point is, the best indicators of expected size is parents and earlier siblings, though one can't predict when the genes of distant relatives might surface. 
Another thing I have noticed over the years (at least with my dogs) is that the smaller they get, the finer boned and less "houndy" they look.  Breeding for smaller size sometimes comes at the expense of heavy ears, large feet, and so on, which is obvious when one looks at photos of my pooches.  Some say that smaller Doxies are more active than their larger counterparts, and I cannot say this is true for mine.  I do have a variety of colors in my lines, but I am pleased to say that I don't breed for colors, they are just sometimes an added bonus.  I focus on sound conformation, good health, and superior dispositions.
Many people ask me about the back issues Dachshunds are known to have.  I don't know if predisposition to this is hereditary or not, but I will say that in twenty years, I have only had three dogs (out of over one hundred) develop back problems (and they were not related to each other).  Of these three, one underwent surgery, two did not, and all three recovered full use of their legs within weeks.  Research indicates that obesity and lack of exercise are the primary cause of back problems, and jumping is also discouraged.  I have yet to figure out a way to keep my Doxies from jumping on the couch, off the bed, over a log, up the steps, but I do watch their weight.  I also strongly believe a good diet greatly influences their overall health.  Just like people, diet and exercise are the key to good health.
In recent years, research as identified eye problems in the Doxie breed.  I do not know much about this, as I have NEVER had any eye problems of any kind, even in my older dogs. 
Male Versus Female
Many people are very decisive about males versus females.  I, personally like boy dogs, but since I breed, I cannot have many, because intact males used for breeding tend to fight.  In my experience, female dogs fight with each other as well.  For multiple dog homes, I've found the best combo to be one male and one female (altered or not).  I know several people with pairs of intact males who get along fine.  Same with spayed or unspayed girls. That said, I have a female Great Dane who is one of the loves of my life, and some of the greatest dogs in my life have been girls. I really believe it is personal preference.  That said, I am including an informative piece from a friend's website:
   Many people believe that female dogs make better pets... female preference seems to be ingrained in people.  Most calls for pet dogs have people wanting a "sweet girl".  They don't think females display alpha behaviors like "marking" and/or "humping".  They believe that they are more docile and attentive and do not participate in fighting over dominance.
Well folks, this is not true and they don't call them a "bitch" for nothing!
In the dog pack makeup, females usually rule the roost, determine pecking order, and who competes to maintain and/or alter that order.  The females are, as a result, more independent, stubborn, and territorial than their male counterparts.  The females are much more intent upon exercising their dominance by participating in alpha behaviors such as "humping".  There IS a reason people utilize the technical dog term of 'bitch' in a negative way and it refers directly to the behaviors exhibited by the females of the dog world.
Most serious fights will usually break out between 2 females.  Males, on the other hand, are usually more affectionate, exuberant, attentive, and more demanding of attention.  They are very attached to their people.  They also tend to be more steadfast, reliable, and less moody.  They are more outgoing, more accepting of other pets, and take quicker to children.  Most boys are easily motivated by food (how true!!) and praise, and so eager to please that training is easy.  However, males can be more easily distracted during training, as males like to play so often.
And no matter what age, he is more likely to act silly and more puppy-like, always wanting to play games.  Boys are fun loving until the day they die.  Females tend to be more reserved or dignified as they age.  Witness the human equivalent of the twinkling eyed Grandpa still playing catch at age 70, while Grandma quietly observes from the porch.
Boys do get bigger than girls, but only by an average of 1-2 inches and 2-3 pounds in the Chihuahua.  In the Chihuahua a variety of sizes can be found regardless of sex.  There are a lot of self claimed "Miniature Breeders" out there but be aware that it takes a well planned breeding program to keep a Miniature from generation to generation.  The difference between sizes and sexes is minimal, if bred correctly, and for improving the breed according to the standard.
Neutered males rarely exhibit secondary sexual behavior such as "humping" or "marking" and lifting of legs.  Once the testosterone levels recede after neutering, most of these behaviors (if they ever existed) will disappear.  Boys who were neutered early (by 5 months of age) usually don't ever raise their leg to urinate.
And while the female will usually come to you for attention, when she's had enough, she will move away.  While boys are always waiting for your attention and near at hand.  Females are usually less distracted during training, as she is more eager to get it over with, and get back to her comfy spot on the couch.  The female is less likely to wage a dominance battle with YOU, but she can be cunning and resourceful in getting her own way.  She is much more prone to mood swings.  One day she may be sweet and affectionate, the next day reserved and withdrawn or even grumpy.
The female also has periods of being 'in heat' unless she is spayed.  Intact females also lift legs and pee mark.  Seasonal heats can be a month long nightmare not just for the female, but you and every male dog in the neighborhood.  Did we mention that the seasonal heats happen TWICE a year?
If you are not breeding, you'd be best off to have her spayed since during this time she can leave a bloody discharge on carpets, couches, or anywhere she goes.  She will be particularly moody and emotional during this time.  A walk outside during this period can become hazardous if male dogs are in the vicinity, and she will leave a "scent" for wandering intact males to follow right to your yard, where they will hang out, and "wait" for days.  Also, intact females are prone to many infections and cancers and female problems, that neutered and spayed pets are not.
Research has also proven that a female NOT bred during a heat cycle stays in a flux of estrogen level which may give us the reason as to why females are more moody than males.
Males generally cost 1/2 the price to have neutered as a female does to be spayed and are usually priced less, as females are desired so often by breeders.
SOOOOOO... before you decide on that age old dilemma of male or female, give consideration to any other dogs that may be in or around your home, your financial situation as to having the dog altered and whether or not you have the space, time and money to raise a litter of puppies.  Keep in mind, if you already have one dog, they'll always compete or fight less, and enjoy the company more, of a dog of the opposite sex.
Writer unknown

As time permits, I shall try to add to this page...info. about foods I feed, answers to questions I receive...I tend to talk a lot, so maybe reading this first will save some people time on the phone with me!  Also, I am not posting facts here, just my beliefs based on personal observations over the years....